Not all the game-play is easy, but most of it is poor. primarily through simply sending hordes of foes at you(going so far as to them appearing literally out of nowhere), entirely disregarding the masterful atmosphere of what this is an expansion to(and they don't even provide a final fight(or that cool of one) for each). They tried to make this challenging, which is fine, really, the issue is the way they did it. Level design in general is rushed, and usually, quite frankly, ugly. There don't seem to be very many maps that weren't already there, for that matter. MP gets additions, but they really aren't that fair(well, there are also some that are just useless).

Oh, and Face-Huggers now harm what they hit. do I need to say more?) for the Ancient version of the more humanoid of the other two. come on, what next, throwing knives, slow-motion, stunt moves?), and the equally out of place Energy Flechette(fast-shooting. dual pistols for the human(because if there's one thing that really makes sense to put into this, it's something out of a Woo flick. It adds basically the handful(if even that) of stuff having to do with the races not in the former title, and some other things, as well as tweaking one or two such, of what was already there. I'm not sure I can think of any other production within gaming which so aptly could be described as simultaneously phoning it in and trying too hard. And that was the first step in creating this, and going by the minimal nature of almost everything found in this, it was probably not very far from the last step(please, no AA jokes). get your mind out of the gutter, I'm referring to the single player of this) look at it, and a sentence was spoken: "Well, if we can't do better, we can at least do different". My theory is, they took a long(speaking of which, know what isn't?.

but we shouldn't feel bad, because clearly the people behind this were equally, if not more, in the dark.

You know what AvP2 *really* needed? No, I don't know, either.